Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Sunday, May 27, 2012


Jumper, second hand / Shorts, second hand / Shoes, Dr Martens
Necklace, second hand / Clutch, Zara




Mens solen br�nder alle op i K�benhavn v�lter jeg rundt og kaster bunker af t�j i min kuffert. Jeg ser virkelig frem til at bruge lidt dage i Sverige og det bliver en k�mpe forn�jelse at arbejde og feste med sp�ndende mennesker fra Utopia - og is�r nu hvor landet har vundet Eurovision Song Contest tror jeg ikke at det kan blive s� sv�r igen at feste under en homo-festival!

While the sun is burning up everyone in Copenhagen I'm running around putting loads of clothes in my suitcase. I'm really looking forward to spend some days in Sweden and it's gonna be a pleasure to work and party with creative people from Utopia - and especially now were the country has won the Eurovision Song Contest I don't think partying during a gay festival can be that hard!


Friday, May 25, 2012

Mercury Rising

You all know I don't need an excuse for a sun/beach/tan-based inspiration post but, what with it being 27 degrees and the first weekend it actually feels like summer in London, I figured this would be as good a time as any. 

Here's to a weekend of fun in the sun. 

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

IMG_9020 kopi

Shirt, h&m / Trousers, Zara / Shoes, Dr Martens / Handbag, Versace


Jeg har lige opdaget det mest fantastiske sted i min baghave. Alts�, s�dan n�sten min baghave. Jeg er lidt inde i en lille periode hvor jeg desv�rre ikke f�r gjort alt det jeg rigtig gerne vil, s� at spendere et par timer rundt omkring i parken og finde inspiration til fremtidige shoots var lige pr�cis hvad jeg havde brug for! Is�r nu hvor jeg tager en tur til Sverige i starten af n�ste uge til et par hektiske og sp�ndende dage. Jeg skal style et show under G�teborgs LGBT-festival og jeg gl�der mig vildt!

Just discovered the most fantastic place in my backyard. Well, almost in my backyard. I walked around the mansion for some hours yesterday and found inspiration for coming shoots! At the moment I can't seem to get to do all the things I want, so walking around the beautiful park in the midday sun was just what I needed. Especially now, with just a week to go until my escape to Sweden for a hectic and really exciting time. I'm going to be styling a fashion show during G�teborgs LGBT-festival and I'm way ecstatic!


Follow me on Facebook and Instagram: henriksilvius

Carpet Shoes

Those of you who follow me on twitter may already have seen these beauties I picked up in Morrocco. My 'carpet slippers', as the vendor affectionately referred to them, are my favourite buy in  a while.  The come with the backs stuck down but these are easily peeled away so they can be worn as loafer-style flats rather than Aladdin-style slippers.

Still loving white on white and these add just enough interest to an otherwise monochrome get up....

T-shirt-LNA/Jeans-Topshop/Belt-Ebay/Leather Jacket-vintage Topshop (similar by Whistles and Muubaa)

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Jessica Hart X Maison Scotch

Two of my favourite things... Jessica Hart and Maison Scotch join forces for the brand's ��t� Blanc� campaign. 

Love the styling and the Hart signature smile.