Friday, June 28, 2013


I'll be moving house at the end of the summer so my thoughts (and pins) have shifted slightly, with interiors and all things inside being my mental focus of late. As we�ll be renting and the square-footage is likely to be pretty small, it�s all about little details and personal add-ons that make a big difference.

Mirrored trays for making lotions and potions look a little nicer.

Make-shift bar cart

Simple wood bath tray 

On the hunt for the perfect set of old horns for the wall

'Morroccan bed spread' is one of my favourite ebay search terms right now. 

Might have to invest in one of my favourite candles (Baies) as a house-warming present to myself

Roller-wallpaper - such a good idea

Ikat rugs and stacks of magazines

Vintage tea tins for herbs

Love these skull catcti; the one house plant I won't kill. 

More rugs, trunks and catci

Drinks tray

Found this on Pinterest-a great way for making an ugly bed look a bit prettier. Anyone know where from?

I'm obsessed with insects at the moment (not as weird as it sounds I promise!) and I love these prints from Graham & Green.

Mini ladder for a side table

I already have these but just love them. Never throw away old candle jars! 

 I love the idea of a wall of random photos, prints and posters. 

Kilim floor cushions

More horns and lots of clean white to save it from all feeling cluttered.

And last but not least, a dream house for the 'one day' box.

Tuesday, June 25, 2013


In an attempt to get my hair back into working order after Mexico's salty showers and sunshine stripped it of anything good, I'm trying to refrain from washing my hair quite so much (read everyday). I was once on a shoot and the hair stylist looked at my thin, war-torn hair and just said �stop washing your hair so much� and it�s something that really stuck with me.  I�m a big believer in leaving skin and hair to its own devices once in a while, rather than stripping it of its natural oils with harsh products. But despite my best efforts, the state of my fine hair by the end of day 2 sans shampoo means I always end up slipping back into the routine of dousing it in shampoo every morning. 

However this time round, I�m already noticing a really positive difference in the condition of my hair from only washing it every other day. And while it might not look that pretty in between washes, the pay off is proving pretty good and I�ve even had a few extra observant (and unprompted) friends comment on the healthy difference. A good messy up do, especially the half top knot like the bottom picture, is making my unwashed experiment that bit easier too. A win win if you ask me. 

Saturday, June 22, 2013


 Lots of new things up for grabs in my e-store including summery pieces from Zara, Topshop, The Kooples, H&M and one-off vintage items. And there'll be even more up by the end of the weekend so keep checking back for updates.

All items will only be on there for a week before I put them on eBay (you heard it here first). 

E-mail me or leave a comment in this post with with any questions about sizing etc and I'll get back to your ASAP.

Friday, June 21, 2013

Stripped Back

Look like I'm feeling all things black and white and watery right now. 

Images via Tumblr, Pinterest and Wolf Cub,